As any filmmaker will tell you the final hurdle after the blood sweat and tears spent on actually making the film is getting it out there for people to see. DISTRIBUTION IS KEY!!! This past week I attended a workshop on distribution held at ATA (Artist Television Access). The panel was made up of local filmmakers AND local distributers. Who were they you ask? Well S.F. Cinematheque, as well as Microcinema International, Wholphin DVD magazine, and Canyon Cinema. The workshop was informative and also served as a "film distribution state of address" . Now for those who are interested in getting your film screened at a local venue ATA is a place to consider as they give you a cut of the admission price. (40 percent to be exact) click here for more info. I would also recommend getting in touch with your local distributor. These guys/ and gals were approachable and very friendly.
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