Frogband Productions with yours truly and Tyrel have been active for about 5 years and now with 7 short films and a music video, the phrase: "I am a filmmaker has solidified more and more with each project. With technology the way it is now it can be said that anyone can do this. Yes, anyone with a video camera and a computer can be the next big sensation. The major difference, however, is the person who weilds the camera. That will be the difference between a filmmaker and a hack. The thing that technology has done is make the tools more accessable to the creative masses. Even the number of people who are talented enough to put a few images together may still find it hard to get their passion project seen or even distributed. This I believe will be the new frontier for the shade tree filmmaker in this big bad world.
But I digressed. This conversation is supposed to be about Frogband's future, both as a production company and as a blog, where you the reader/filmmaker will have place to rest your weary head. This has been crazy. With 2 short films a music video and the arrival of my first child, there is nowhere else to go but up. The goals for us will still be the same, and that is to keep pumping out projects that we enjoy to make, regardless of the money. The one thing that I have learned as a producer is that creating is about the process and the resources, not money. If you have the means to beg, borrow and (gasp) steal then you would've beaten the odds.
So as I look towards the end of 2009, 2010 seems promising. We'll have the Frogband line up posted as the year comes to an end, but in the meantime this blog will undergo a few changes. The plan is to create a hub for both local filmmakers, screenwriters, composers, etc, etc here in Berkeley, Ca but also the world. A place to exchange information, communicate/commiserate (depending on how you look at it) comment on each others work and such I believe will make all of us better artists. Importantly it will bring us all together and give us a chance to work together. I (or someone else) will also be reviewing certain products for the Indy filmmaker as well as talking about movies I've watched, the state of independent filmmaking, news from fellow artists and perhaps an online screening or two.
Also to help pay the bills I have sold my virtual soul to capitalism and will be placing an amazon store on the site so you can purchase films, and other shows that we dig and other stuff. Until then: Peace see ya later.
L. Jeffrey Moore