Where have we gone and what are we coming to? Even down here south of the border the stench of unoriginality comes crossing over like stagnant elephant dung on a white carpet. Maybe the observations and testaments forth coming are without merit or research so please educate and point this poor slob in the right internet direction so that my dictations are unfounded and made without merit. I'd rather be proven wrong than right on this score ladies and gentlemen. Here we live in a world of oppression, chaos, and warlike tendencies complete with a touch of boredom and a cherry of apathy that sits atop this sundae of inadequacy. A world of intelligent creation of means has given a canvass for storytellers like no other time before us and yet no one is acting on it beyond the chuckle inducing images of human stupidity and or the icy taste of viral marketing. In my scans of this vast menu of downloading and streaming of one and zeros all the storytelling I've come across are lonely girl fifteens and JJ Abrahms giant gila monsters of viral marketing. The Sixties and Vietnam brought us the golden age of cinema. Here we sit with the world burning, soldiers dying, and politicians proving that the Watergate job was small time dime store political hackery compared to the full on rape of the political processes their pulling off today. And yet we can't get beyond the "America's Funniest Home Videos" version of storytelling. Are there any kids out there creating something from the heart? We have the technology, we have the forum, yet we do nothing. All we do is bitch, myself included, but alas I'm not technology savvy like some of you kids are. I come from the first generation to grow up with computers. Some of my generation have the know how, most of us are still teaching ourselves how to use this great tool of communication. But I can't believe that those wonderful creative types younger than myself have no sense of self expression or the need to tell a story. Or are they too busy dressing their Myspace page and playing Halo 3 to take the time to grab a DV camera and a few friends and relieve the pain in their lives by creating something personal to them. It would appear with all the video sharing websites out there that we have the means to distribute without focus groups telling us what is right and what is not. Yes it's true we don't have the ability to make money creating these stories yet, but is that really the reason holding us back? Have we become so dependent on financial gain that we have given up creation for creations sake? Maybe the future titans of self expression are out there on this web of mediocrity but the gods of media do not promote them and the size of this internet beast prevents us from seeing their work. Maybe that last strange thought is the real vortex bitch of the issue. However it's been proven through history that if the expression is heartfelt and from a place of truth it will find an audience. And is that not the ultimate goal of expression? To find others stranded in life rafts sharing this vast ocean with you? So with guilt and sadness I write this next line. Maybe no one is out there trying to tell the truth and if they are then the souls touched by them are not doing their part to share it with the rest of us. If that is the case, than the audience that has found a piece of pure honest heartfelt storytelling on this net of insane means and meaningful insanity have violently dropped the ball in sharing it with the rest of us or are so egotistical that they'd rather keep it to themselves. Like I said prove me wrong in what I write. Give hope to a tall skinny kid on a writing tangent fed by cigarettes and moonlite waves.
Here, Here! A brave blog by brave boys trying to bravely make bold , honest, creative films! Good luck my cynical celluloid servants. Show us what you can do to save us all. We need you now most desperately!
You're right the sea of sites and blogs is overwhelming more than 75% water for sure. However within the sea there are those of us living and sharing stories and lifestyles that perpetuate truth and an audience that hears it. The audience is growing...thankfully the human mind and heart can only stand so much of what is unnecessary to survive. We will prove the sentiments you share "wrong".
Daily we drive to a place of chemical and caffeine illuminated speed and intensity. We consume all we have created at an alarming rate. We can't feel anything through the illusion and it is killing us. We need to survive it's our innate path. So we will eventually need to come back down from our technology based illusion of reality and start to feel and touch and taste what is at at core of it all and we will create from this place again.
See who is doing this in your Google-searching hours with words like, "conscious" "purpose" "sustainable" "compassion" and use those words before whatever it is you search for "Conscious films" "compassionate marketing" "Sustainable foods" "purposeful people" and see who you find there.
Support those industries and businesses and we will start to survive again from a place of ease and simplicity.
People see you, hear you, and second you already here in this sea maybe it's not so endless...
right on... nothing more to say than that T, but I agree with you whole heartedly.
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