Monday, December 28, 2009

Podcast updates and other such things

The podcasting project is going great. I've done 3 interviews so far and I've gotta say that each person I've talked to was so excited that this was taking place I feel that I am definitely headed in the right direction.

In other news the 2007 HD short film "Borders" featuring Dominique Swain and Former Minnesota Governor and host of Tru TV's "Conspiracy Theory" Jesse Ventura has finally seen the end of it's long post production journey and is now "ready" to be seen by the rest of the world. The short, directed by longtime friend and partner Tyrel Ventura, was received well by friends and colleagues and has been a special side project for Colorado based film company, 42 productions. We owe them our gratitude and appreciation for taking care of us in color correcting, sound sweetening and creating an HD master. THANK YOU 42!!! As a matter of fact all this came about via the Governor's involvement with the production company's film called "Woodshop" (which should be out by now). Anyway via "The Body" and his son/director Tyrel, we graciously took them up on their offer, so I loaded up the hard drive of the entire file and shipped it over. Now all that's left is a screening.

With So many things to do how does one keep it together? A little faith, patience and of course determination. 2010 here we come!

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